

UAFS offers three exciting 生活学习菲律宾十大网赌网站 (LLCs) in the Lion’s Den Residence 大厅. 每个有限责任公司都为每个菲律宾十大网赌网站预留了一层楼.

有限责任公司适用于住在校园里的一年级学生. 被有限责任公司录取的学生 will receive a $1,000 scholarship ($500 per semester) while funds are available, limit 每组20人. 这三家有限责任公司分别是的 myers Friedman Honors Program、Leadership和 商业与创业.

的 priority deadline to sign up for an LLC is April 15 through the Fall 住房 Application. 截止日期后,申请仍将被接受.


  • You will live in a community that bridges your academic interests to your new 首页.
  • 你会与志同道合的同事互动.
  • You will participate in programs, events, and initiatives specifically geared toward 您的有限责任公司,仅限有限责任公司的参与者.
  • Data shows our 学生 who participate in an LLC are more successful academically, so you will be more likely to have a higher GPA and to persist to graduation. 
  • 你将通过与教师的频繁接触来发展人际关系.
  • You will take a common workshop, class, or seminar with other 有限责任公司的参与者.
  • 你会喜欢和同班同学一起学习.
  • You will have networking and interaction opportunities with like-minded upper-class 学生.
  • 没有额外的费用!
  • 没有GPA或考试成绩要求.

参与有限责任公司不需要额外的费用. 你付普通房费 餐费,其他都包括在内. 同时,你还会得到额外的1000美元 scholarship ($500 per semester) for your year of participation if you are accepted 到有限责任公司,趁资金充足. 这是除了和兼容任何 other UAFS scholarship you may already be receiving, including housing scholarships.

你想在校外自己找一套公寓吗? 你可能会花更多钱 than you would on campus, plus there are huge benefits to living on campus:

  •  A nine-month academic year contract means you will not be locked into a long-term 租赁.
  • All utilities, high-speed wired and wireless internet, laundry, and furniture are 包括. 
  • 你可以通过享受你的饮食计划来节省时间.
  • You will have dedicated 24/7 staff for events, assistance, security, and more.
  • You will have the shortest possible commute to classes and won’t spend time looking 申请停车位.
  • Your room and meal plan are billed to your UAFS student account so your financial 援助可能会帮助支付费用.
  • Any UAFS merit scholarship covers at least 30 percent of your room cost. 
我们已经为你计算过了. 不包括食物,每人可以节省100美元 一个月住在校园里. 这是因为我们的一个价格包含了电、水、 很棒的互联网,洗衣房,以及上面提到的所有设施. 没有隐藏 收费,不用担心一个月多张账单. 

  • 申请校园住房. 有限责任公司申请是住房申请的一部分.
  • 报名参加幼童营.
  • If you have any questions about the LLC or living on campus, p租赁 email housing@7453h.com.
  • 的 Cub Camp fee is waived for Honors, 商业与创业, and Leadership 有限责任公司的参与者. 商业和创业有限责任公司不需要幼崽训练营 参与,但这是高度鼓励的.

商业和领导有限责任公司的标志的 College of Business and Industry is proud to offer a Living Learning Community 对商业和创业感兴趣的学生. 这个菲律宾十大网赌网站支持 学生参与、招募和保留. 学生将完成第一年的队列学习 business classes and participate in co-curricular programming centered on themes of entrepreneurship and economic development, career and professional development, teamwork, 以及社会影响. 学生应该期望与同学和老师广泛接触 导师以及商业校友和菲律宾十大网赌网站利益相关者. 这一约定将 be promoted through both social 活动 and professional development 活动 such as visits to local and regional businesses, career exploration sessions, and 菲律宾十大网赌网站当前商业新闻/事件的校园/菲律宾十大网赌网站论坛.
  • Identify themselves as effective learners and critical thinkers who are strongly committed 以实现他们的学术目标和终身学习.
  • Demonstrate commitment to local and global concerns by contributing time, talents, and efforts in service to the community and realize the impact of that service.
  • Develop skills necessary to engage in diverse scholarly 活动 and creative endeavors.
  • 继续攻读商学学位.
  • Collaborate effectively in teams, working through dissent to build consensus.
  • 与不同的听众进行深思熟虑和有效的沟通.
  • 尽可能参与基于项目的学习.
  • Improve group and 领导人hip skills that translate into a desire to become better 学生领袖.
  • 探索将更多的观众带到节目和教室的方法.
  • Cultivate professional relationships with faculty, campus staff, alumni, business 利益相关者和其他学生.
At this time this LLC is open only to declared business administration majors. 一次 participation in the 商业与创业 LLC is confirmed, your R.O.A.R. advisor will make sure that you are enrolled in the reserved cohort LLC business section MGMT 1201.

LEAD生活学习菲律宾十大网赌网站标志This LLC is for first-year 学生 from all majors who want to receive 领导人hip 培训和技能发展,成为自己菲律宾十大网赌网站的领导者. 通过培训 学生领袖, this LLC will further support the mission of UAFS by preparing the 学生在瞬息万变的世界中取得成功. 这种体验跨越了秋天和春天 semesters, and 学生 who are actively engaged in the LLC for the duration are recognized 在学年结束时为他们的参与.
  • Differentiate between 领导人hip strengths in themselves and others in the team and 如何使用这些优势作为一个有凝聚力的单位.
  • Define characteristics of a leader and why they are important and understand the different 领导模式.
  • Build personal 领导人hip skills while participating in co-curricular 活动.
  • Create and strengthen relationships with their LLC cohort by participating in LLC 活动
  • 通过参与课外活动为菲律宾十大网赌网站服务.
  • Establish, define, and defend their own values and beliefs in the context of recognizing 理解特权、多样性和包容性的重要性.
  • Retain to UAFS for their second year of study by enrolling and attending.
  • 事件可能包括:
    • Interaction with Fort Smith community 领导人, including elected officials and military 领导人.
    • 服务学习机会.
    • 技能评估.
    • 国际领导力协会(ILA)演讲.
    • 多样性、公平性和包容性培训.
    • 为同行和住院医生提供一个项目.
    • Lunch and learns, which may include discussion on a scholarly article or workshop 由菲律宾十大网赌网站领袖.
    • 领导理论探索.
    • 礼仪的晚餐.
    • 实地考察旅行.
    • 与兄弟会和姐妹会生活和领导力项目的伙伴关系.
    • 克利夫顿优势学生评估完成和讨论.
    • 幼崽营出席率(须于8月出席).
    • 新生领导力研修机会.
    • Joining a Registered Student Organization with emphasis given to Lion Hearts, Residence 大厅 协会, Student Government 协会, Numa Nation, and Leadership Student 协会.
    • 另类春假机会.
    • 常见的书籍阅读.
  • 了解更多的学术专业,如 组织的领导.

迈尔斯·弗里德曼荣誉学院生活学习菲律宾十大网赌网站标志 荣誉国际研究项目 was initiated at UAFS in fall 2012 and renamed in honor of its benefactor, Myles Friedman, in 2018. 的 program is designed to enhance the education of 学生 in all UAFS majors by adding academic rigor and increasing focus on interdisciplinary and global 他们选择的研究领域的各个方面. 希望MFHP学生参加 actively in campus 领导人hip and service opportunities as well as the mentoring and 改善他们的同学. 他们同意遵守荣誉守则,他们 自己创建的. 荣誉有限责任公司是为那些获得荣誉奖学金的人提供的. Applications for the scholarship are due each fall for high school seniors.
  • 加强与志同道合的同事的互动.
  • A personal community that bridges your academics and social interaction to your new 首页.
  • 未来的领导机会.
  • 增加与教员的联系.
  • 自然学习小组.
  • 无额外费用.


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