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Blackboard FAQs

如果您在登录Blackboard时遇到问题,我的.UAFS, or other campus technologies, please contact UAFS IT Services. 这个页面有一个到PortalGuard用户指南的链接,它可以解决所有的问题 questions related to password management.

如果您继续遇到问题,请联系技术支持服务台 at 479-788-7460 or


Online Course Login Questions

学生有时会在学期开始时遇到登录问题. Technical problems will be resolved as soon as possible. If you continue to experience problems, contact the Service Desk at 479-788-7460 or


Blackboard questions

您必须输入您的UAFS用户ID和密码才能登录在线课程. Make sure 您的大写是正确的,因为密码是区分大小写的.

  • 如果您是被录取的学生,并且没有UAFS用户ID和密码,请转到 到加德纳大楼的服务台去索要.
  • 如果输入正确的用户ID和密码仍然无法登录,请联系 Service Desk at 479-788-7460.

一个学期后,您的帐户将在Blackboard课程中失效 you have taken the course. 到那时,这些课程将不再出现在你的 Courses list.

如果您无法在Blackboard课程页面上找到您的在线课程,请选择以下选项之一 things may have happened:

  • 你的老师可能在做最后的准备时暂时隐藏了课程外壳.
  • 您的讲师可能还没有将课程内容复制到课程shell中.

你的在线课程应该在学期结束后的一两天内提供 开始(学期的第一天,完整的在线课程). If the semester has 您已开始上课,但仍无法在“课程”页面看到您的在线课程,请与我们联系 your instructor as soon as possible.

Test duration times are set by the instructor. Your test time is limited. You should 检查老师设置的测试持续时间 before taking the test. The timer will continue to run 无论你是否参加考试,所以一旦你开始,一定要完成考试 in the time given. Once the time expires, that attempt is over. You will receive a 考试成绩只适用于你在考试超时前保存并提交的答案. 

Note: 45分钟不活动后,Blackboard会自动注销你的登录.

如果在监考环境中进行考试,请使用现场监考或在线监考服务 will add the password for you. When testing in a classroom lab, your instructor or 他们指定的监考人员将提供密码供您输入.

There are a few possible causes for this problem.
1. Slow Internet Connection
  • 如果你使用低带宽的互联网连接,你会经常遇到这个问题. 解决这个问题的办法是订阅一个高速互联网连接或 在学校的任何实验室或任何公共图书馆使用电脑.
2. Browser Cache
  • 您的浏览器缓存存储了您访问过的网站的文件,以加快访问速度 browser when you revisit them. Sometimes your browser cache has too many files to work effectively. 更常见的是,有时缓存文件有一个错误,阻止 the page from loading normally. You can fix these errors by clearing your browser cache.
  • Here are instructions for clearing the cache 在一些浏览器中,包括你的智能手机上的浏览器. You can also clear Java cache. Be sure you are logged out of Blackboard when you clear the cache.
3. Computer Memory Error
  • 有时,计算机上的临时文件会导致影响Blackboard的错误 or another website. 要修复此错误,您需要通过执行清除计算机内存 a Shut Down of the computer. (Do not do a Restart as that will not clear all of the temporary memory.)
    在没有电源的情况下关闭电脑至少30秒,然后再启动电脑 again.
4. Blackboard Connection
  • 有时您与Blackboard的连接可能会产生错误页面. To resolve this, log out of Blackboard and log back in again.

  • 您可能已将该文件的快捷方式附加到作业中. Make sure the file 您附加到分配的文件扩展名是正确的:e.g. a Word document has the extension ".doc" or ".docx"; a PowerPoint file has the extension ".ppt" or “.pptx.”
  • 您可能附加了一个尚未保存的文件版本. Be sure to 在将文件附加到分配之前,保存对文件的所有更改. Make sure 您正在附加正确的文件,而不是临时版本.


Browser questions

Your web browser must be compatible with Blackboard. 点击这里查看与Blackboard兼容的所有web浏览器.

您需要在计算机Web浏览器中允许弹出窗口. The following are instructions for how to do this in commonly used browsers:

  • Google Chrome
    1. 单击右上方的Customize and Control按钮(带有三个圆点).
    2. Click Settings.
    3. Click Privacy and Security on the left.
    4. Click Site settings.
    5. Click Pop-ups and Redirects.
    6. 单击“站点可以发送弹出窗口和使用重定向”的选项按钮
    7. 或者,您可以单击“允许”下的“添加”按钮来发送弹出窗口并使用 redirects, and then type “” and click Add.
  • Mozilla Firefox
    1. 单击“打开应用程序菜单”(右上角有三行).
    2. Click Settings.
    3. Click Privacy and Security.
    4. 在“权限”下,清除阻止弹出窗口的复选框
    5. Click Exceptions.
    6. 在网站地址的文本框中,键入“blackboard””
    7. Click Save Changes.
    Microsoft Edge
    1. 点击右上角的“设置和更多”按钮(…).
    2. Click Settings.
    3. Click Cookies and Site Permissions.
    4. Click Pop-ups and Redirects.
    5. Turn off Block
    6. In the Allow area, click Add.
    7. Type “”
    8. Click Add.


Wireless & Network Questions

是的,校园里每栋楼都有无线接入,包括学生宿舍 housing. 如果不太方便,你也可以在校园的任何地方上网 远离建筑物或靠近无线热点.

  • 有关连接到校园UAFS无线网络的详细信息,请参阅 IT Services Knowledgebase 有关配置Windows pc、mac和移动设备的信息.


SmarterProctoring Questions

mac电脑需要按顺序打开各种应用程序的屏幕录制设置 to share the screen with those apps. Change the following on your Mac and try again:
  1. Click the Apple menu.
  2. Click System Settings.
  3. Click Privacy & Security in the sidebar.
  4. Click Screen & System Audio Recording.
  5. 打开谷歌浏览器和你需要使用的任何其他应用程序的录音. (Chrome is the browser that SmarterProctoring requires.)